Friday, May 1, 2009

Anyone can take a picture

Anyone can take a picture...a person with a passion sees the picture before it's taken. - Anonymous

Survival photography

Survival is important than succeed. - Anonymous

Los Angeles Fashion Photographer

Jimmy Olsen: "I didn't have my camera with me." Perry White: "A photographer eats with his camera, a photographer sleeps with his camera!" Lois Lane: "I'm glad I'm a writer." -

Darkroom tips

Let's go in the darkroom and see what develops. - Anonymous

Make money with your camera

The quickest way to make money at photography is to sell your camera. - Anonymous

Darkroom tips

Let's go in the darkroom and see what develops. - Anonymous

When photography was invented

When photography was invented artists thought that it would bring ruin to art but it is shown that photography has been an ally of art, an educator of taste more powerful than a hundred academies of Design would have been… - Anonymous

Success and failure in photography

The whole question of success and failure [in photography] resolves itself into an investigation of the capacities of the machine and well may we be satisfied with the rich gifts it bestows, without straining it into a competition with art. For everything for which art, so-called, has hitherto been the means but no the end, photography is the allotted agent – for all that requires mere manual correctness, and mere manual slavery, without any employment of the artistic feeling, she is the proper and therefore the perfect medium. She is made for the present age in which the desire for art resides in a small minority, but the craving, or rather necessity for cheap, prompt, and correct facts in the public at large. Photography is the purveyor of such knowledge to the world. She is sworn witness of everything presented to her view. - Anonymous

The World's Hobby

Photography must soon become in fact what it is destined to be: the world’s hobby and the world’s helper – universal in usefulness and pleasure-giving. - Anonymous -

Don't compromise on your camera.

You didn’t compromise on your camera. You shouldn’t on your lenses. - Anonymous -


If you think Nikon is beyond your reach…It’s not! - Anonymous

Inside a camera

What happens inside your mind can happen inside a camera! - Anonymous

Good negatives

Good negatives don't smoke, drink, or run around with other negatives. - Anonymous

A pic is worth a thousand words

One picture is worth a thousand words. - Anonymous

Why we are selective shooters

Our eyes are shooting millions of frames a day. We know we're selective because we can recall only a few images the next day, and even less thereafter. - Anonymous

What you see

What you can see you can photograph. - Anonymous -

If I could write

If I could have put it into words I would have written it down. But I couldn't, so I took a picture. - Anonymous

More powerful than a moving picture

I find the still image more powerful than the moving picture, because it leaves me alone for a moment with my thoughts. - Anonymous

Poetry is to prose

The still photograph is to moving pictures what poetry is to prose - less comprehensive perhaps, less literal even, yet somehow capable of expressing a deeper truth. - Anonymous

One picture could change your life

One picture could change your life. - Anonymous - Movie: City of God

All the photographs in the world

All the photographs in the world, when summed together couldn't possibly amount to a moment... So every human being is faced with the same dilemma: The photograph, or the moment? - Anonymous

The picture matters

If the picture matters, the camera matters. - Anonymous - Nikon ad.

Why a photograph is a lie

A photograph has always been a lie. We can not freeze time, we are not 2 dimensional, we are not the size of an 8 x 10 glossy, we are not composed in geometric paterns, but we are real. Photos have power because of this illusion. Using the power and exploring it as communication of the collective sub-consciennce can be fun to. - Anonymous

The camera catches light

The camera captures light, our minds capture images. - Anonymous

Photography as a weapon

Photography ...a powerful weapon in awakening the social conscience. - Anonymous

Save your photographs

If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use? -

Photographic memory

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don''t have the film. - Anonymous

Lemon to lemonade

Photography is like a lemon, sour to some, but lemonade to others. - Anonymous

Let your words be few

Let your words be few, and your exposures many. - Anonymous

Life is like

Life is like photography. You use the negatives to develop. - Anonymous

Of what use are lens and light

Of what use are lens and light to those who lack in mind and sight? - Anonymous

Photography and Portraiture

Photographic portraiture is the best feature of the fine arts for the million that the ingenuity of man has yet devised. It has in this sense swept away many of the illiberal distinctions of rank and wealth, so that the poor man who possesses but a few schillings can command as perfect a lifelike portrait of his wife or child as Sir Thomas Lawrence painted for the most distinguished sovereigns of Europe. - Anonymous

Two negatives make an affirmative

Logicians tell us that two Negatives make an Affirmative. Will somebody say how many Negatives make a Photographer ? - Anonymous