Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You cannot possess someone forever

There's no way you can possess someone forever. Even in a photograph. There's no way. - Anonymous.

School girls and the nymphet

A normal man, given a group photograph of school girls and asked to point out the loveliest one, will not necessarily choose the nymphet among them. - Anonymous

A course in art

I took a course in art last winter. I learnt the difference between a fine oil painting, and a mechanical thing, like a photograph. The photograph shows only the reality. The painting shows not only the reality, but the dream behind it. It's our dreams, doctor, that carry us on. They separate us from the beasts. I wouldn't want to go on living if I thought it was all just eating, and sleeping, and taking my clothes off, I mean putting them on... - Anonymous - Veta Louise Simmons

Future Generations

And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this: I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture. - Anonymous

Did you ever hear?

Did you ever hear the saying, ‘A picture holds a thousand words’? - Anonymous -

Take my picture

Take my picture. I'm feeling beautiful tonight. - Anonymous -

The last thing i need

The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll. - Anonymous

The photo race

That a horse rushing along at the rate of a mile in one and two thirds of a minute (more than 17 yards in a second) should be seized by photographic art so as to show every limb well and clearly delineated would have seemed wonderful indeed to the early professors of that art. - Anonymous - Editor, Knowledge, April 14, 1882

When we care we will not forget

When we care, we will not forget. The picture in our head or the vivid printed picture will remind us. Without care, we would not remember, only see. - Anonymous

Why photography classes are important

I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. And by seeing we also begin to understand ourselves. - Anonymous

A new invention

Everything I take a picture of, I try to think of it as a new invention for someone to see. If it comes out perfect it is because I put my heart into it. And if the viewer likes it, it is because his or her heart and emotions accepted it. - Anonymous

A discovery launching upon the world

Here, in truth, is a discovery launched upon the world, that must make a revolution in what way, in what degree will art be affected by it? - Anonymous -

Be sensitive and caring

Don't ever forget how alien a machine over a person's face appears. A photographer must be sensitive and caring so the mechanical act of recording light images is secondary to the union of spirit with the subject. - Anonymous

The person inside of you

The type of photographs you make, the subjects you single out, reveal the person inside of you. How close you get to your subjects reveals how close you want to get. - Anonymous

An extension of your heart.

When you use a camera, not as a machine but as an extension of your heart, you become one with your subject. -

Don't change your subjects.

The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. - Anonymous

Photo mistakes

One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photo out of focus are an experimentation, one hundred photo out of focus are a style. - Anonymous

The importance of sharpness.

Every time someone tells me how sharp my photos are, I assume that it isn't a very interesting photograph. If it was, they would have more to say. - Anonymous

Why photography leads to violence.

Photographers are violent people. First they frame you, then they shoot you, then they hang you on the wall. - Anonymous

Photography and art.

When people say photography is not art what they actually mean is THEIR photography is not art. - Anonymous

The camera cannot lie.

The camera cannot lie, but it cannot help being selective. - Anonymous

Duration of an image.

The thing itself need only exist for one two-fiftieth of a second, the time it takes to take a photograph. It is the photograph which need have the duration since it is the photograph which is printed in newspapers and magazines, sent through the post, broadcast through the air, projected onto walls––not the event itself. - Anonymous - Creative Camera, August, 1972,

The worth of family affection.

Any one who knows what the worth of family affection is among the lower classes, and who has seen the array of little portraits stuck over a laborer's fireplace will perhaps feel with me that in counteracting the tendencies, social and industrial, which every day are sapping the healthier family affections, the sixpenny photograph is doing more for the poor than all the philanthropists in the world. - Anonymous - Macmillan Magazine


I take pictures like Jimmy Page, and I play guitar like Ansel Adams. - Anonymous

Describing a good pic.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words cant describe a good picture. - Anonymous

Be a good person

It is not enough to be a good photographer. You also need to be a good person who takes pictures. - Anonymous

Know thyself.

You must know yourself and your subject well before you can take a picture. You must become one with it. - Anonymous

Your equipment does not matter

Your equipment does not matter as long as you are comfortable with it. Comfortable is an important word, It is the opposite of self-conscious. - Anonymous

Spend time and concentrate

You need not photograph a thing to know it. All you need to do is spend time with your full concentration with the thing, person or emotion. On way is through photography. Another way is by opening your heart. - Anonymous

What is an amateur?

The amateur is, presumably, a man of more cultivated education and greater leisure than the professional photographer, and may reasonably be expected to have a keener sense of the aesthetic principles, and a more educated knowledge of the history and science of art than his professional brother - better skilled though the latter may be in the technique of his art. - Anonymous - An article appearing in "Amateur Photographer", 27 March 1885

a kid-like curiosity

Shooting stills creates a kid-like curiosity - you begin to see everyday things in new ways. It's way too much fun and should be illegal. - Anonymous

nineteenth century art staring at an anonymous nineteenth-century sepia photograph you pick up in a junk store, wondering at the face looking out at you from under the funny hairdo. To ask who she is hopeless now because all the connections, every friend, every relative, even every acquaintance is dead and gone. - Anonymous

making love

When I make a photograph, I make love. - Anonymous

Are you telling the truth

A photo no longer tells the truth. It suggests just one possibilty. - Anonymous

a lot of nice equipment

You sure got alot of nice equipment,lets see your pictures. - Anonymous

good jokes

I always thought good photos were like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn't that good. - Anonymous

the perfect negative

The most important printing technique is to start with a perfect negative. - Anonymous

the importance of f8

f8 and being there. - Anonymous

dark room conditions

Only photographers know what a truly dark room or a truly windless day are. - Anonymous

wild at heart

Photographers are like the wolves in the wild whose presence slips silently into the background. These journalists record the events as observers, marking them for history. - Anonymous

the truth is in all things.

The truth is in all things. Weston found truth in a bed pan. - Anonymous

I love pics

I love pics! Don't you?

working backwards

Unlike a painter, a photographer starts with something finished and works backward. - Anonymous

the brave ones

The brave ones were shooting the enemy, the crazy ones were shooting film. - Anonymous

everybody loves

Everybody loves to have their picture took. Everybody. - Anonymous

Which magazine sells the most copies?

“Mr. Peters: Got a question for you. Which magazine sells the most copies? Mark Lewis: Those with girls on the front covers and no front covers on the girls. - Anonymous

Elle Magazine - Catherine O'Hara

Elle Magazine - Elizabeth Reaser

Elle Magazine - Robin Wright Penn

Elle Magazine - Michelle Williams

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Los Angeles Fashion Photographer

photography is one of the most universal languages around, and you do not have to say a word. - Anonymous

cameras and lenses

Most cameras and most lenses are better than most photographers. - Anonymous

small fortune

Its easy to make a small fortune out of digital photography. First start with a large fortune. - Anonymous

the lighting

The only difference between Pornography and Art is the lighting. - Anonymous

multi million dollar operation

Where is the picture? Deadline is in an less than an hour away, this is a multi-million dollar operation........ and it waits for no one! - Anonymous

one two three

One...Two...Three...Photography! - Anonymous

freeze a moment in time

When one picks up ones camera and freezes a moment in time we all get a glimpse of ones soul - Anonymous

fake it till you make it

If a picture is worth taking it's certainly worth faking. - Anonymous

the brave and the crazy

The brave ones were shooting the enemy, the crazy ones were shooting film. - Anonymous

the derivation of the snapshot

Sy Parrish: According to The Oxford English Dictionary, the word "snapshot" was originally a hunting term. - Anonymous

Developing your photos

Bill Owens: You have no reason to develop your photos here except to annoy me. Sy Parrish: I have a reason. I personally calibrated that machine. It’s the best mini-lab in the state. - Anonymous

Nobody takes a picture of something they want to forget

Sy Parrish: Nobody takes a picture of something they want to forget. - Anonymous

well make a great team.

Billy Kwan: We’ll make a great team, old man. You for the words, me for the pictures. I can be your eyes. - Anonymous

Which magazines sell the most

Mr. Peters: Got a question for you. Which magazine sells the most copies? Mark Lewis: Those with girls on the front covers and no front covers on the girls. - Anonymous

photography is the great illusionist

After a few years, a photograph becomes the illusion of a moment in time. - Anonymous

take time to look

If you don't take the time to look, you'll never manage to see anything. - Anonymous

a pic never lies

Photographs don’t lie, people do. - Anonymous

God made the light

God made the light, I just paint with it. Amen. - Anonymous

I can't sing

I can't sing, I can't paint and I can't write how I feel, so all I have left is photography to express myself. - Anonymous

Exhibit your work

It is to be understood that worker photographers intending to exhibit … are to concentrate on the photo of class struggle and proletarian life. No bourgeois portraiture, nudes, landscapes, still lifes, will be exhibited. - Anonymous

Capture the event

Photography is a medium that captures a specific event at a specific time in a specific space. - Anonymous

a single shot rifle

I always considered a still camera to be the equivalent of a single shot rifle. You either get the timing right or you don't. A motor will only record the useless shots on either side of the bell jar. - Anonymous

the essence of documentary is communication

To see, to record and to comment. The essence of documentary is the communication not of imagined things but of real things only. - Anonymous

what is a documentary

Documentary is: A depiction of the real world by a photographer whose intent is to communicate something of importance - to make a comment - that will be understood by the viewer. - Anonymous

a photograph has value

A photograph is worth a thousand words - but which thousand words? - Anonymous

those thousand words tell so much

A photograph is worth a thousand words - but which thousand words? - Anonymous

Observing the little oddities

When I walk around my little world I observe the oddities, the fun of life in the middle of harsh reality. I think one can laugh in pain. Maybe this is what we need to pull us out of the absurdity of it all. I always thought how strange it is that one can find beauty even in the most horrible images. I care for what I photograph. I make love with my eyes through the viewfinder. I caress the image on that piece of paper as it appears like magic, a ray of light emerging from total darkness. - Anonymous

Here is what these people are like

A photograph must say: "Here is what these people are like now." - Anonymous

Holding lifes experience

Pictures hold life's experiences. And I feel that with every experience you learn something. Therefore, you learn something with every picture you take. - Anonymous

the story behind the pic

Pictures always should have a special story behind it or a special meaning to the photographer. - Anonymous

works of art

When you blame it on the work of art or the equpiment that produced the only thing that is ever changed by it is the artist. - Anonymous

sport photography

Sports are a lot like photography. If you don't focus, all you will get is the negative. - Anonymous

uncommonly good imagery

A good photograph will make an uncommonly good image of common subjects. - Anonymous

blame it on art

When you blame it on the work of art or the equpiment that produced the only thing that is ever changed by it is the artist. - Anonymous

all you need is focus

Sports are a lot like photography. If you don't focus, all you will get is the negative. - Anonymous


On some online forum, it was announced that Contax and Domke were merging and all future products will be branded Condom. - Anonymous

Tell others how you feel

Photography is way to tell others how you feel about what you see. - Anonymous

the abscence of light

The only "Bad Light" is the abscence of light altogether. - Anonymous

pictures fill spaces

pictures are just there to fill spaces around the adds - Anonymous - by a publisher at a newspaper.

the art of film survival

the film that survived a bomb blast, got wet when your boat sank , survivived x-ray machines at 5 different airports was ruined when someone opened the darkroom door and let all the dark out. - Anonymous

the folks that fill the empty space

We're the folks that fill the empty space around the crossword. - Anonymous

the one eyed man

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. - Anonymous - Blind drug-dealer in Minority Report starring Tom Cruise

photo assignments

There is no such thing as bad photo assignments ... only bad photographers. - Anonymous

photos and golf

Photography is like golf, you never master it, but you can always get better. - Anonymous

what about the readers

The readers? We're not doing this for the readers! Who gives a $#@* about the readers?! - Anonymous

understand this business

Don't you understand this business? If we can't find photos, we bloody well go out and make photos! - Anonymous - -an editor some thirty years ago....

remember being a good photographer

I remember when I was a good photographer. - Anonymous

shooting a portfolio

Someday I'd like to meet the guy who shot your portfolio. - Anonymous - Overheard from chief photographer to dismissed staffer...

newspaper photographs

One of the best things about not having photographs [in your newspaper] is that you don't have photographers. - Anonymous - Back in the old days, Porter Binks used to have a quote from a Wall Street Journal editor tacked to the wall next to his desk at USA Today. It went something like this.

flip up mirrors

If you see it you missed it. - Anonymous - Back in the old flip up mirror days.

writing with light

Writers of light do it as wll; they transform shape, line, color, pattern - passionless components - into photographs that grap, delight, revulse, or inspire. Their work bestows life. - Anonymous

what is art

Do not concern yourself with the questions, "What is art?" or "Who is an artist?" Everything is art. If what you see and do comes from your heart, you are an artist. - Anonymous

your camera makes no difference

The type of camera you use for photography makes no difference. A loving, open heart makes a photograph, not a camera. - Anonymous

a camera is a mirror with memory

You know what a camera is? A mirror with memory. - Anonymous - from a movie.

the end of the world

The world's coming to an end! ...Quick, grab your camera! - Anonymous

How to make a great photo

A great photo happens when a photographer sees a situation unfolding in front of them that evokes an emotion that the photographer feels deep down, in the middle of their chest. And in a split second, they then make a conscience choice of exposure, lens, depth of field, lighting, body language, composition, etc., and releases the shutter. The film is then processed, scanned, laid out on a page, printed on a press, driven across town to the newspaper carrier who throws it on some guy's porch, who then opens the newspaper and looks down at that photo … and if that guy gets the same feeling deep down in the middle of his chest that the photographer did when they viewed the situation in the first place, they have made a great photo. - Anonymous
In a true artist the work is the life. There are those who learn what they can do well and then do only that, but she [Dorothea Lange] could never be satisfied that she had seen all there was for her to see. - Anonymous

Los Angeles Fashion Photographer

If you did manage to get any good shots, they will be ruined when someone inadvertently opens the darkroom door and all of the dark leaks out. - Anonymous - - Murphy's Law on Photography, The Third Law of Photography

the difference between an amateur and a professional

In photography, the biggest difference between an amateur and a professional is... the size of the wastebasket. - Anonymous

Paris Match

The weight of words. The shock of photos. - Anonymous - Paris-Match, advertisement.

Tourists and cameras

Tourists are terrorists with cameras. Terrorists are tourists with guns. - Anonymous

fractions of a second

Photographers see the world in only fractions of a second. - Anonymous

photo equipment

Amateurs talk about equipment. Professionals talk about photos. - Anonymous

the secret of great pics

f you can't make a great photograph of a mundane subject, at least make a mundane photograph of a great subject! - Anonymous - an old photographic maxim

become accustomed to your camera

You do not think of your feet when you walk. Likewise, become so accustomed to your camera that its function becomes an extension of yourself. - Anonymous

how to become technically skilled

Through constant practice you will become so skilled technically that you will no longer need to think consciously of the camera's operation. At that point you will break the machine wall between you and the person photographed. - Anonymous

become the person you photograph

By knowing a person, you know yourself. You become the person you photograph. You love that person as you love yourself. - Anonymous

photography is work

A photographer does not operate a camera in order to merely take pictures. Photographic work is always personal. A photograph reveals the photographer. - Anonymous

accompanying your subject

I think that when the subject allows the photographer to accompany him/her and witness all his/her private moments, the photographer should give something in return. I see it like a contract where the photographer has to pay the price for being allowed the life of the subject. - Anonymous

be careful who sees your negatives

Have the time of your life but be careful who sees the negatives. - Anonymous - "How to Take Great Photographs - and What to do If You're Caught."

pictures always win

In the end, better pictures always win. It's only a question of who has them. - Anonymous

take off the lens cap

Take off the lens cap, stupid. - Anonymous

fix it in the enlarger

Don't worry, I'll fix it in the enlarger. - Anonymous

smile and say cheese

Now smile and say fromage!

the fella behind the camera

T'isn't the camera at all, 'tis the fella behind the camera. - Anonymous

Dorothea Lange

What she [Dorothea Lange] wants most is to see the subject here and now in such a way as to say something about the world. - Anonymous

A camera looks

There are three phases to awareness: to look, to see, and to perceive. A camera looks. A mind sees. A heart perceives. -

what is a camera

A camera is a hollow tube that allows free-flowing, inward and outward expressions of love between a photographer and a subject. - Anonymous

make a statement

Some photographs make a statement others ask a question. Some people like the obvious others like ambiguity. Both types of images and both types of people are correct, just different. - Anonymous

the insight to truth

My camera has helped to give me insight to truth. It has helped me to understand that change is wonderful and beneficial. -


Through photojournalism you learn that all persons are teachers. - Anonymous

f stops and lenses

That which matters most is more than f-stops and lenses, more than pens and papers, more than notes and strings, more than knives and clay. That which matters most is a child's laugh, a lover's hug, an open heart. - Anonymous

record images on film

Once you learn to care, you can record images with your mind or on film. There is no difference between the two. -

strive to become fully aware

A photographer strives to be fully aware of every moment and to be one with all others every moment. - Anonymous

a tear contains an ocean

A tear contains an ocean. A photographer is aware of the tiny moments in a person's life that reveal greater truths. - Anonymous

the best photographer

It is best that a photographer not simply take a picture. A photographer has a responsibility to share a visual experience with others by every possible means. - Anonymous

do you like to take pics

I enjoy photography, that's why I do it. If you are taking pictures you are not enjoying, don't take them. If you are stuck behind the camera and would rather stop taking pictures and play; go play. - Anonymous

be relaxed and true

I've noticed in my photography that I do a lot better when I'm on vacation. I'm more relaxed and true to my own senses. I really think that's the only route to pure happiness. Letting go of rules. - Anonymous

painting with light is key

Photography was once described as painting with light. - Anonymous

through the lens

Win Parks] was really alive only when he was looking through the lens. He existed in a world of fantasy, whether before such fairy castles as this Islamic mosque in Istanbul, or anywhere. The colors he loved most were soft ones. He lived and breathed through a camera, and preferred muted days.. - Anonymous

photo success

Success is what happens when 10,000 hours of preparation meet with one moment of opportunity. - Anonymous

Sunday, April 19, 2009

elements of photojournalism

What is the most important element of photojournalism: Light? Moment? Composition? You are wrong. - It's magic. - Anonymous

learn from your mistakes

Learn from the mistakes of others, because you won't have time to make them all yourself. - Anonymous


..If you are just shooting the passing scene people don't care. "Grab" shots tend to look like a sneak took them. Eye contact makes all the difference in a good image. You are the exploiter - it isn't called "taking pictures" for nothing. - Anonymous

the best photographic equipment

When people ask what equipment I use - I tell them my eyes. - Anonymous

how to make a million dollars in photography

Some of us cynics say that "the quickest way to make a million dollars in photography, is to start with two million dollars". -

imagination and vision

What we can easily see is only a small percentage of what is possible. Imagination is having the vision to see what is just below the surface; to picture that which is essential, but invisible to the eye. - Anonymous

open your eyes

Jesus opened my eyes, as the camera opened my heart to see all of the beauty this world has to behold. - Anonymous

Jesus opened my eyes

Jesus opened my eyes, as the camera opened my heart to see all of the beauty this world has to behold. - Anonymous

Los Angeles Photographer

The difference between the amateur and the professional is that the professional looks it up. - Anonymous

business is business

Business is business. The sooner photographers start learning about and navigating business instead of wasting time trying to control the inevitable forces at play, the better it will be for that photographer. - Anonymous

marry a model

I married the model, so I still pay for the shooting.... - Anonymous

famous photographers

No one makes less sense than famous photographers. It's a good thing they have chosen a visual medium, as words are not their strong suit. Has anyone ever seen a collection of quotes full of as much useless pomposity as these? - Anonymous

put the camera in their face

Putting the camera in their faces is always the hardest. But you just have to do it. - Anonymous

who is the camera

It's not the camera, but who's behind the camera. - Anonymous

the ultimate camera

The ultimate photgraphic camera will imprint a scene directly into a person's memory. - Anonymous

a fine poem

A photograph can be as striking and as haunting as a great painting or a fine poem. - Anonymous

two different prints

Never show a customer two prints of different density. He will ask you to print a third with a density between the two. - Anonymous

processing and quality

The only reason to do your own processing is quality. - Anonymous

entering your bloodstream

Once photography enters your bloodstream, it's like a disease. - Anonymous

photography tips

Photography teaches that how well you see has nothing to do with how well you see. - Anonymous

the fixed rules

The enemy of photography is the convention, the fixed rules of 'how to do'. The salvation of photography comes from the experiment. - Anonymous

brilliancy and sharpness

The brilliancy and sharpness of some of them are highly remarkable. - Anonymous

the value of a slide show

A picture is worth a thousand words; a slide show is both. - Anonymous

photographic synonyms

Synonym for the word “photographer” shooter, camera bug, lensmen, lenswomen, send out a camera. - Anonymous

the art of making a good photo

Good photographs are seen in the mind's eye before the shutter is tripped, but they are made in the darkroom. For it is the final stage of photography -in the production of negative and print- that the creative vision is realized in a picture meant to be looked at, admired, perhaps honoured. - Anonymous

camera pest

You are a pest, by the very nature of that camera in your hand. - Princess Anne

being an editor

I was born to be an editor, I always edit everything. I edit my room at least once a week. Hotels are made for me. I can change a hotel room so thoroughly that even its proprietor doesn¹t recognize it. . . . I edit people¹s clothes, dressing them infallibly in the right lines. . . . I change everyone¹s coiffure -- except those that please me -- and these I gaze at with such satisfaction that I become suspect, I edit people¹s tones of voice, their laughter, their words. I change their gestures, their photographs. I change the books I read, the music I hear . . . It¹s this incessant, unavoidable observation, this need to distinguish and impose, that has made me an editor. I can¹t make things. I can only revise what has been made. - Margaret Caroline Anderson

Margaret Caroline Anderson

Modern photographers can reduce bones to formlessness, and change a face of the most strange, exquisite and unfathomable beauty into the face of a clubwoman. - Margaret Caroline Anderson ,

Disfigurement vs adornment

[T]oday . . . photographers prefer disfigurement to adornment. It is now chic to do your worst to people. - Margaret Caroline

blending technique and creativity

I find the blend of technique and creativity fascinating, sometimes frustrating, other times rewarding but always very therapeutic. - Thomas Folke Andersen

photography traps

It can be a trap of the photographer to think that his or her best pictures were the ones that were hardest to get. - Timothy Allen

shooting poignant pictures

To shoot poignant pictures we only need follow the path of our enthusiasm . I believe that this feeling is the universe's way of telling us that we are doing the right thing. The viewing public will always disagree over the intrinsic merits of a particular photograph, but no one can deny the enthusiasm that originally inspired us to capture and offer that image to others. - Timothy Allen

Saturday, April 18, 2009

William Albert Allard

All I need is my brains, my eyes and my personality, for better or for worse. - William Albert Allard

introducing people

Photography is a way of introducing people to other people. - William Albert Allard,

Irving Penn and Ernst Haas

I might have seen color work by Irving Penn or Ernst Haas, but I was really more inspired, in terms of colors, by painters: the Impressionists, Edward Hopper, Matisse. - William Albert Allard

a delicate surface

If a subject has a delicate surface to it, you do not want to go charging in there. You need to establish some kind of presence and understanding. I will say, 'Try to forget I'm here. I won't ask you to pose, I won't ask you to do anything.' It's important that I just be allowed to be around, to be present. Photographing people requires a willingness to be rejected. So, I think the best approach is to be honest and direct. Very often, I tell them, "You don't know me. There's no reason why you should trust me...the only thing I can promise is that I'll try to do the most honest work I can. Ultimately, it comes down to somehow being able to instill confidence. I don't think you can bullshit your way into that, because a lot of these people can see through walls. If you want to photograph people, you'd better know something about them. [Allard often credits "Serendipity" for the success of his pictures.] I like to explore, to be sensitive to the rhythms of the moment. Exploration means seeking out what I think is there, and yet often finding something finer, something closer to the center, that no amount of research could have led me to. I tend to react more than direct. You have to be receptive [to your subject]. You have to care. You can't do good work if you don't care. That's not necessarily a strength, but it gives you strength. - William Albert Allard,

the importance of simplification

What's really important is to simplify. The work of most photographers would be improved immensely if they could do one thing: get rid of the extraneous. If you strive for simplicity, you are more likely to reach the viewer. - William Albert Allard

push yourself harder

You've got to push yourself harder. You've got to start looking for pictures nobody else could take. You've got to take the tools you have and probe deeper. - William Albert Allard,

words and pictures

...words and pictures can work together to communicate more powerfully than either alone. - William Albert Allard,

the 50mm lens

I think the 50(mm lens) is an extremely good discipline lens; it requires you to see in a more refined way, not just tighter. - William Albert Allard, Photographic Essay (

the best pictures

I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation, I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as photographing the edges. - William Albert Allard, Photographic Essay

composition and color

In my photography, color and composition are inseparable. I see in color. - William Albert Allard

photographing people

In so many cases the photograph is a momentary thing that is soon going to change. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. We have to put it in the box when it happens. - William Albert Allard, The Joy of Photographing People by Eastman Kodak Staff

magazine story

My goal has always been, to make pictures that could be published in a magazine as part of a story, but that could also carry their weight on the walls of a gallery or museum. - William Albert Allard

quiet photographs

I believe in the resonance and staying power of quiet photographs. The photos in this book were not hard to make. They required a certain seeing, but few special techniques, and no tricks. Something though was hard. It was hard being between photographs and not knowing when or how another image would reveal itself. - William Albert Allard

what is right

What is right? Simply put, it is any assignment in which the photographer has a significant spiritual stake...spiritually driven work constitutes the core of a photographer's contribution to culture. - William Albert Allard

no photo left behind

No Photo Left Behind. - April Aldighieri

christophe agou

Whether it is photography, assemblage art or filmmaking, my work is to see beneath the surface. - Christophe Agou

the road from the eye to the heart

The road from the eye to the heart is easy to follow. I am taking it with my eyes closed. - Christophe Agou

open open open

Ouvre l'oeil ! - Christophe Agou

looking and seeing

Looking and seeing are two different things. What matters is the relationship with the subject. - Christophe Agou

a certain honesty

Somehow there is a certain honesty underground, a certain truth. - Christophe Agou

camera use

When I use the camera, I often feel like I know part of the people or places I come in contact with. - Christophe Agou

James Rufus Agee

The camera seems to me, next to unassisted and weaponless consciousness, the central instrument of our time. - James Rufus Agee

the photo adventure

It is a peculiar part of the good photographer's adventure to know where luck is most likely to lie in the stream, to hook it, and to bring it in without unfair play and without too much subduing it. - James Rufus Agee

the luck of photos

Many people, even some good photographers, talk of the ‘luck’ of photography as if that were a disparagement. And it is true that luck is constantly at work. It is one of the cardinal creative forces in the universe, one which the photographer has unique equipment for collaborating with. And a photographer often shoots around a subject, expecially one that is highly mobile and in continuous and swift development--which seems to me as much his natural business as it is for a poet whi is really in the grip of his poem to alter and realter words in his line. It is true that most artists, though they know their own talent and its gifts as luck, work as well as they can against luck, and that in most good works of art, as in little else in creation, luck is either locked out or locked in and semidomesticated, or put to wholly constructive work; but it is peculiarly a part of the good photographer’s adventure to know where luck is most likely to lie in the stream, to hook it, and to bring it in without unfair play and without too much subduing it. Most good photographs, especially the quick and lyrical kind, are battles between the artist and luck. - James Rufus Agee

more Agee quotes

In the immediate world, everything is to be discerned..with the whole of consciousness, seeking to perceive it as it stands: so that the aspect of a street in sunlight can roar in the heart of itself as a symphony, perhaps as no symphony can: and all consciousness is shifted from the imagined, the revisive, to the effort to perceive simply the cruel radiance of what is. - James Rufus Agee

a paradox of picture taking

Here, then, was a paradox of picture taking that appeared from the start. Despite its promise of the ultimate document, of a picture more realistic than art could achieve, the camera was also an instrument of artifice and posing, even fakery and deceit. The invention that enabled people to write with the sun would blur the distinction between appearance and reality, between the image and the event. - Kiku Adatto,

Robert Adams

Silence is, after all, the context for the deepest appreciation of art: the only important evaluations are finally, personal, interior ones. - Robert Adams

the history of art

The history of art is filled with people who did not live long enough to enjoy a sympathetic public, and their misery argues that criticism should try to speed justice. - Robert Adams

great pictures

Why do most great pictures look uncontrived? Why do photographers bother with the deception, especially since it so often requires the hardest work of all? The answer is, I think, that the deception is necessary if the goal of art is to be reached: only pictures that look as if they had been easily made can convincingly suggest that beauty is commonplace. - Robert Adams

beautiful form

Why is Form beautiful? Because, I think, it helps us confront our worst fear, the suspicion that life may be chaos and that therefore our suffering is without meaning. - Robert Adams

photography job

The job of the photographer, in my view, is not to catalogue indisputable fact but to try to be coherent about intuition and hope. - Robert Adams

its not enough

Your own photography is never enough. Every photographer who has lasted has depended on other peoples pictures too - photographs that may be public or private, serious or funny but that carry with them a reminder of community. - Robert Adams


I have asked students at the beginning of their careers, what things of that sort might haunt them – what things they must photograph, things they have to try to shoot even before they master the intricacies of making dye transfer prints. - Robert Adams

hoping for the artist

What we hope for from the artist is help in discovering the significance of a place. In this sense we would choose in most respects for thirty minutes with Edward Hopper’s painting Sunday Morning to thirty minutes on the street that was his subject; with Hopper’s vision we see more. - Robert Adams


Philosophy can forsake too easily the details of experience… many writers and painters have demonstrated that thinking long about what art is or ought to be ruins the power to write or paint. - Robert Adams

our best

At our best and most fortunate we make pictures because of what stands before our camera, to honor what is greater and more interesting than we are. We never accomplish this perfectly, though in return we are given something perfect--a sense of inclusion. Our subject thus redefines us, and is part of the biography by which we want to be known. - Robert Adams

dog skeleton

By Interstate 70: a dog skeleton, a vacuum cleaner, TV dinners, a doll, a pie, rolls of carpet....Later, next to the South Platte River: algae, broken concrete, jet contrails, the smell of crude oil.... What I hope to document, though not at the expense of surface detail, is the form that underlies this apparent chaos. - Robert Adams

the word beauty

The word beauty is unavoidable … it accounts for my decision to photograph … There appeared a quality, beauty seemed the only appropriate word for it, in certain photographs, and I am compelled to live with the vocabulary of this new sight … through over many years [I] still find it embarrassing to use the word beauty, I fear I will be attacked for it, but I still believe in it. - Robert Adams


The word beauty is unavoidable … it accounts for my decision to photograph … There appeared a quality, beauty seemed the only appropriate word for it, in certain photographs, and I am compelled to live with the vocabulary of this new sight … through over many years [I] still find it embarrassing to use the word beauty, I fear I will be attacked for it, but I still believe in it. - Robert Adams

Henry James

Henry James proposed asking of art three modest and appropriate questions: What is the artist trying to do? Does he do it? Was it worth doing? - Robert Adams

the difficulty

Part of the difficulty in trying to be both an artist and a businessperson is this: You make a picture because you have seen something beyond price; then you are to turn and assign to your record of it a cash value. If the selling is not necessarily a contradiction of the truth in the picture, it is so close to being a contradiction—and the truth is always in shades of gray--that you are worn down by the threat. - Robert Adams

no place is boring

No place is boring, if you've had a good night's sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film. - Robert Adams

distinguish a photo

...the only things that distinguish the photographer from everybody else are his pictures: they alone are the basis for our special interest in him. If pictures cannot be understood without knowing details of the artist's private life, then that is a reason for faulting them; major art, by definition, can stand independent of its maker. - Robert Adams

gadgets and gismos

Photography is not about cameras, gadgets and gismos. Photography is about photographers. A camera didn't make a great picture any more than a typewriter wrote a great novel. - Peter Adams

depth of feeling

Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.

the discovery

I discovered that while many photographers think alike when it comes to equipment and chemistry, there are seldom two who agree on anything when it comes to what constitutes a good image. - Peter Adams


As photographers we sell *emotion not emulsion.* the tools are immaterial, the resulting piece is all important. Jeff Adams

Fashion Photography

Art and picture making with a camera are fundamentally the same, requiring such essential qualities as good taste, beauty of line, and perfect juxtaposition of tone, together with atmosphere that stirs the emotion.. ..With vision and imagination in the mind of the operator, the most exquisite results can be obtained with detail that no other medium can record with such precision.


The restless photographer,never seems to have enough equipment.

moving image

I'm not a great believer in the power of the moving image. A still image has greater lasting power. A still photographer has to show the whole fucking movie in one picture. On the screen, it's over and back in the can in seconds. A still picture is going to be there forever.

photo carpenter

Having and camera makes you no more a photographer than having a hammer and some nails makes you a carpenter.

your mind

Your mind is like a live camera that is constantly taking pictures of every single moment that comes onto you... So be a good photographer!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Los Angeles Fashion Photographer

There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.

Los Angeles Photographer

Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gilles Bensimon for Elle

Elle Magazine - Tough love

Elle Magazine - Rhianna

Elle Magazine - Rhianna

Elle Magazine photos Rhianna

Elle Magazine - Rhianna

Elle Magazine photos Rhianna

Elle Magazine - Rhianna

Elle Magazine - Rhianna

Rio Forever

Fashion model Caroline Trentini had the option of appearing in another runway season this year or playing a major role in Carnival in her homeland, Brazil. Caroline chose Carnival and we are not disappointed in the least bit.

Rio Forever

Fashion model Caroline Trentini had the option of appearing in another runway season this year or playing a major role in Carnival in her homeland, Brazil. Caroline chose Carnival and we are not disappointed in the least bit.

Supermodel Return

Fashion model/designer and entrepreneur, Erin Wasson, makes a brief return to the runway.

Supermodel Return

Fashion model/designer and entrepreneur, Erin Wasson, makes a brief return to the runway.

Fashion Photographer - Mario Testino

Beautiful images by fashion photographer Mario Testino for Vanity Fair.

Fashion Photographer - Mario Testino

Beautiful images by fashion photographer Mario Testino for Vanity Fair.

Fashion Photographer - Mario Testino

Fashion Photographer - Mario Testino

Fashion Photographer - Mario Testino

Fashion Photographer - Mario Testino

Fashion Photographer - Mario Testino

Photos by fashion photographer Mario Testino for Vanity Fair.